Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Okay, I've been seeing this happen in our ice trays at work and could not figure out how this happens!!! It's been driving me nuts for weeks now! A few days ago I was here at the house and grabbed an ice tray and guess what... there this thing was on our ice at the house too. All it is is a spear of ice coming straight out of the cube. As you can tell it's not always straight up and down but often at an angle. At first I was sure there was water dripping from somewhere but the freezer at work doesn't even have water run to it. If anyone has a reason for this I would love to
hear it, because I have no idea...



Melissa said...

there's this really handy internet tool - maybe you've heard of it...Google!!!

Unknown said...

Well I guess that explains it! I guess it works in ours b/c of our filter and now that I think about it I believe I noticed it more after we put a new filter in.

Brandy said...

hahahaha, love your sister! can't wait to see you!